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Monday, April 18, 2011

7 Easy Tips For a Homely Home"""

  • Keep  The  Big  Picture  in  Mind:  Home  decoration  starts  with  a  solid  concept.  Whether  you  are  going  for  a  total  makeover  or  are  just  adjusting  some  details,  never  lose  sight  of  the   big picture.  Before  you  start  it’s  important  to  have  a  concept  in  mind:  a  particular style  or  atmosphere  that  you  want  to  create.  This  will  serve  as  your  guiding  principle.  Recurring colors,  motifs  or  handles  are  easy  ways  to  bring  unity  and  harmony  in  your  home.
  • Make  It  Warm  &  Welcoming:   Large  open  spaces  that  melt  into  one  another  create  a  spacious  feeling.  To  prevent  the  room  from  becoming  too  impersonal   and  cold  you  can  make  cozy  corners  with  pillows &  bookshelves
  • Choose  One  Type  of  Flooring:   Different  types  of  flooring  can  look  too  busy.  This  holds  true  for  large  spaces  but  also  for  more  traditional  homes  with  multiple  rooms.  Be  consequent  and  use  one and  the  same  floor  covering  throughout  the  house. 
  • Combine  Different  Colors  &  Materials:  The  choice  of  materials  largely  determines   the  overall  appearance  of  your  interior.  A  limited  number  of  colors  and  materials  creates  peace  and  atmosphere.  Warm-colored  wood   a  rough  wall  in  slate  or  a  soft wool  carpet  transform  your  house  into  a  warm nest.  Combine  dark  flooring  or  furniture  with  white walls  or  vice versa. 
  • Bring  in  Natural  Light:   Natural  daylight  is  a  free  source  of  atmosphere  we  should  all  take  advantage  of.  Bear  in  mind  that  natural  light  which  falls  in  from  above  is  always  the  brightest  and  most  pleasant.   
  • Try  White:   If  you  are  still  in  doubt  about  the  color  palette,  lighting  plan  or  furniture  placement  in  your  home,  try  this  little  trick:  paint  everything  in  white  and  live  in  the  house  for  a  while.  After  a  while  you  will  notice  dark  corners,  walls  that  need  decorating  and  the  best  place for  that  trendy  sofa. 
  • Show  Off  Ur  Books:   Books  bring  life  to  a  room.  Therefore  don’t  hide  your  library  behind  closed  doors  but  let  it  be  part  of  your  interior.  Other  personal  and  decorative  items  can  have  the  same  effect.  Think  about  a  beautiful  vase  or  candle  on  the  table  or  a  bunch  of  soft  pillows  on  the  sofa.  Just remember,  less  is  more.  One  well-chosen  eye  catcher  is  much  better  than  a  motley  collection  of  knick knacks.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

8 Environment Friendly Home Improvement Ideas"""

  • Consider installing solar panels. Although solar heating has been used to warm homes for thousands of years, solar panels are totally modern and very green.
  • Replace all the standard light bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent ones. 
  •  Roof improvements. Believe it or not, research indicates that roof color and the type of material used can help to lower attic temperatures. Light colored tile roofs out perform the shingle ones when it comes to decreasing temperatures.
  • Don't waste water. Check your home carefully for leaky faucets and get them repaired as quickly as possible. 
  • Install low flow shower-heads.
  • Clean out your air conditioner filters or replace them regularly.
  • Install glass doors for your fireplaceGlass doors are safer than fireplace screens. They also reduce the amount of heat that escapes through the chimney from your home. 
  • Use power strips for your home computers. Even after you turn off your computer, power continues to flow to peripherals like printers and scanners. Power strips prevent the energy from being wasted.